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Ice Age Creation Science Summit

Friday, April 25, 2025

1:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Heart of America Science Resource Center, Haviland, KS, 67059
Donation to the Heart of America Museum optional

Topic: The Great Ice Age. Afternoon talk and balloon activity for kids, followed by a museum tour for families. Evening meeting with creation ministry Expo.

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This weekend event kicks off at 1:00 pm with a Great Ice Age presentation and balloon activity for children and their families at the Barclay College Ross-Ellis Center, followed by a museum tour at Heart of America Science Resource Center. An evening meeting taught by biblical Ice Age authority Michael Oard will be held at Ross-Ellis at 7:00 pm. His topic will be: How the Worldwide Flood caused the Ice Age. Before and after this meeting, a variety of creation science ministries from Kansas and surrounding states will present displays of their work and ministry.


Heart of America Science Resource Center
312 East US Highway 54/400
Haviland, KS

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